Wednesday, December 4, 2013

DESIGNER JOURNAL: Style vs. Trends

Often the two are so easily interchanged, yet they are in actuality very different. Style is classic, timeless, genuine. Trends only last a short period.

Audrey Hepburn had style......

Miley Cyrus is trendy.

Style is a lifestyle and defines a person. Trends define an era. One is not worse than the other, it's just good to know the difference.

When trying to define your own style... don't define yourself by a trend. For that matter don't assume that because something is trendy you should wear it either. Neon pants should only be worn by a small percentage of the population and unfortunately that's just not the case. In my opinion thy are the low-rider, muffin-top-making jean of the early 2000's. Be and Audrey... not a Miley.

Style is the beautiful moment when your inner beauty and outer beauty are equally the best they can be.

Style is timeless. You can't just "look" like you have style. It's an action. Style is grace. Style is turning the other cheek when someone wrongs you, style is caring about others as much as yourself. Style is the beautiful moment when your inner beauty and outer beauty are equally the best they can be. I design for stylish women.

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