Saturday, November 30, 2013

BACKSTAGE: A Sneak Peek at LissMee's Studio/ Office/ Living Space/ Chaos

It's really pretty simple. We have 3 kids under 6 and work from home. As our business develops, it begins to take over more and more of the house. My studio began in an office, then became the living room, then we moved and it became the entire lower level. We love it. We play with the kids, they stay busy, and they inspire us. Here is a sneak peek of our day and our constant effort to maintain a healthy work/ family balance.

A dress nearly completed

Nana, my mom, comes over all the time and really helps me out with the kids so I can work. They love making cookies.

Last season's collection

One of our favorite things is to bring the laptop to a coffee shop to do office work. Here Jon is teaching our son to play chess. He loves playing with his dad.

We start art projects before 7am

Prepping for a photoshoot at the Salt Flats

My models lining up for a runway show

Amber Dawn Powell finishing makeup 

Backstage at a photoshoot.

My son hanging out with me in the studio

We paint in the tub.... it's much easier to clean.

Our studio is a mess. It's a mix of art supplies, fabrics, and drafting supplies. This was before we moved.

Running errands with my boy

Backstage at a late night photoshoot with Bryce Johnson Photography

Finishing a new dress design

Packaging orders. 

Everyone has an electronic. Jon and our daughter relaxing after a party.

My drafting table...... it;s supposed to look this way. If it were clean, nothing would be created.

Nana really helps me so much. There are days when I couldn't get anything done without her.

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